
- shiyi
- 19 on the 6th October. A typical Libra baby. Loud. Bubbly. Crazy ;) Love friends. Family. And herself. Love pink. Just want to be herself :)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Another good news!!
Our cheer squad are really really great!
Me, ying, brenda, kee jinn: 8A's
Lynn, ann, swan: 7A's
Nic: 6A's
The girl, eileen: 5A's
I am sure the twins will do well!
See see? Isn't that really rally good??? I am damn proud of everyone! Who else dare to say we cheerleader sucks at studies i twist his/her head weih!
Good job girls! :D
And congrats to all who score well
Yee Munn, Xue ying, Yi leng, Vivian, Jia ying, wan jin, joe yin, jia yee, ray aun, valerie, all my classmates ( we all did really well! ) And every one! YAY!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
*drums roll*
*Trumpets blow*
The best captain ever
We miss you always!<br>
Thank you
For comforting me every time i cry
Thank you
For every sacrifices you made
Thank you
For you tolerance for me
Thank you
For putting in your best for us
Thank you
for everything
We really apreciate it!
Happy 18th birthday!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
This is the worst christmas ever...
Worst 25th ever...
Worst Thursday ever!
I hate my bro gahhh!
Make me walked for so long and end up in the wrong place? Got car dont want to use want to use legs la huh? You think your legs very good ah? STOOOPIIIDDD larh! I wearing heels one okay? The distance is killing long okay? YOU DAMN BRAINLESS OKAY?!?!
So stupid one wor... But luckily got Rui Yee to cheer me up. Thank you yeah. And Andrea. :)
I will never trust my brother anymore
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Oh gosh PMR results!
I tell you i am so nervous! Gahh
Bithdays and christmas!
Happy belated birthday to dearest CASSIE!(22nd Dec) Sorry for the late post cause i was in malacca :)
And Chun Wai too! (same date) Happy belated birthday! :D
Next, happy birthday to my mummy!!!! :D
The cake we bought for her! :D
Dearest mummy and jun zhi
Mummy and me! ;D
Us <3
Then mummy and daddy need to prepare cause later they need to attend a friend's daughter's wedding dinner.. And she wore the shoes we bought as her birthday present! WOOT! :P
Love her! hearts :)
The heels we bought for her! =)
Last but not least, merry christmas everyone! WEEEEE!!! I am so happy today ;D
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cause he made me cannot go watch twilight! I first i thought, okayyy lo, forgive him la, buy dvd then. But then when i view my friends' blog, a lot of them are talking about twilight, and how nice it is.. Well, maybe not how nive the MOVIE is, some is about Edward, or even Carlisle.. I SO WANNA WATCH! Feel like crying lah.. i so wanted to watch. Well Well Well.. Sigh what to do he is my elder bro ma.. Must respect lo right.. RIGHT?
Went to ioi mall with mummy ytd, bought a few clothes there ba liao la.. Not really much choice tho.. Then went to popular there to teman mummy find reference books.. And the cinema is right beside. And the twilight poster is right there, ATTRACTING me to go there :( sob sob sob la.. Then i tell mummy i so want to watch, and then she say:" If got time we go watch la.." YAY! I know she will never hav the time to watch movie with me in cinema de, but still happy she is willing to bring me right? =)
Oh yea! Happy belated birthday to MISS. SIN EE!!!!! All the best in everything and may your wishes come true kay?? :D Love ya! *muacks!*
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Class Trip!
Went to my bro's school fun fair first, then after that went to school to meet up with all my other friends. A lot of them were already there, and phiu, my bag was ok! (I was scared that my bag will be OUTSTANDING... lol). So we waited for all to reach, and we headed to pd at around 1. There was a jam on the way, and i think we reach there later than planned.. We were staying in the TEPEES!
So we unpacked, then started the first game - dodge water balloons... Haha ended up all wet X). We had our dinner on the main field, all those malay dishes *yucks* Spicy and YUCKY! I called my mum and tell her i love her, i miss her and complain bout the food.. Then she said:"Complain la.." LOL! But i didn't la of course.. And at night, we went for a night walk in the forest and at the beach side.. At first was scary cause the guide said:" Make sure you came out 38 (The number of plp in our group), not 39." :S!!! Wow freak me out.. but then after that was lik normal normal lo.. I love the sound of the waves beating the shore! :D damn love it
Woke up at 6 something cause too cold! Haha.. So me and my roommates - yileng, laykuan and fiona got ready and went to had breakfast at the Melting Pot. Luckily weih! If ask me to go eat at main field there i'll go
I didnt sleep! Well i did for a while, lik half an hour? Panda liao.. So Jes Cee asked me to go for a walked at the beach side. So we walked into the forest, and through the forest to the beach side.. It was raining. The rain dindnt stop for so long.. And i seriuosly love the sound of the waves! We did nothing special today, but the lunch was really suprising! Thank you Jo fan! We had our lunch in My Pitstop.. Nice :D
Really had fun there.. the games all that.. haha! Will miss the camp!
Monday, December 1, 2008
3 days 2 nite camp to Dusun Eco, Pahang
Yeah so i participated in a 3 days 2 nights camp organized by the HD Training House in Dusun Eco, Pahang. The place was a forest before being developed. So 65 of us and 8 teachers went with 2 buses. We reach there in the afternoon, unpacked then started with activities.
So like all those camps, we were divided into groups. I was in the GREEN group, and i am so glad im in that group. My group members are:
Shein Hang (group leader) : He is the smallest, so we voted him to be leader! Haha! :D
Yan In: She is super adorable! She is so so nice and i am so grateful to be in the same group with her!
Kai Xin: The pretty! The cute girl who love the tiang. LOL!
Yong An: He is from BUKIT TINGGI. At first very shy, keep on looking to the wall, but on the second day, wow, he bully us (the three girls in our group).
Jin Jun: The quite okay guy, not much talking tho
Wei Xing: AHEM... *whisper* i dont like him lar! So chuan! >:(
Zhe Yu: Er not much impression to him lo
Well, yeah. Although my group members are like different different personalities, but oh we worked so well together! All of them are kind and nice excpet AHEM! And our group were the overall runner-up! OH not forgetting our group's teacher, MISS WENN YEE. She is so so so so so so nice! Thanks her so much.
So on the first day, i met a girl fom DJ. She was sitting in the same bus as me, and she is talkative. LOL, no offence yee munn! BUT she is preeeeetttttaaaayyyyyyyy! OMG she is damn pretty wei. And she is so zhu dong which is good! We are quite good friends now. And a lot more ppl. All of them are nice!
So on the first day, after we were grouped into eight groups, we carrried out the first game ( OH SHIT i forgot what was the game already!) LOL. So at night, we played the second game, which is treasure hunt. We were supposed to search for the tit bit of colour papers according to the colour of our group, but HELL its unfair larhhh! It was at night, raining some more, and our group is GREEN! The leaves are green, the trees are green, even the chewing gum wrappers are green!!!! lol! XD.. So we din maneged to finish searching, but its OKAY larhh.
On the second day, we played a game : STAR WARS! (haha no la *translated*) So eight groups were divided into four, each represeting a country. At first our group kept on losing and losing, but when the game almost end, we won back! WHOOSHH! NO.1! Hooray! :D:D:D And then we went to the play the obstacles thingy... It was fun and tiring and MUDDY, but our group got second, which was W.O.W great!
So skip skip skip....
On the third day, we tried the flying fox. It was fun, and not as scary as i thought. LOL tonnes of fun. This camp was really a fun and memorable one, hope can join again leh! :P
p.s: Photos will be uploaded ltr, after i downloaded from the HD Training House website.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Because i finished this book! It is so so so so freaking nice!It is irrisistable!
Well but my cover is different from that one. It is something like this...

Oh and the twilight movie is coming out SOON! I wanted to watch to, but you know la, my mum. She wont let! So i was planning to curi keluar to watch. LOL. Insane.
Haha.. I am just hyper. Sorry for crapping around. Lol. Dont wanna spoil you people eyes. Hahaha. Ciaoz! :D:D:D
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Not believing anymore
Only 8 ppl came! WTH?! Half a squad. Even the captain and discipline master dindnt come. Macam ni the club will be dying soon wei. What are you ppl doing actually? Not coming for no reasons? And consider yourselves as members or even squad members? LOL NO WAY.
So we(nellie, zhi zhi, eileen, dimple, joo hi, swan and me) were led by xin ann, the so-so-so-responsible co-capt. We did stunts, strength work, jumps and thumblings. (See we can still do a lot of things WITHOUT YOU!) Kesian the basses cause more than half of us are flyers. So me and eileen learnt to spot and bass. Should de lol.
What to say? Ppl just can be like that. Not going to believe anymore.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Cheer camp! XD
I counldn't say that the camp was fun, but it was FUN! Haha.. i know i know. It was fun, because got the two crazy gals, eme and nellie, and the "comedy" acted by eileen and sharon. BUT it was not fun, cause i cried. Sigh. EMOTIONAL ME! gahh.
So we met our new coach, Yee Ming on the first day. She is PRETTY!!! And another coach, Cheng Choo. HAHA. They went to the cheer camp together with us, of course. I MISS MR WONG! XD So I reached school on the 12th morning, waited for ame and went to get the mat together with her. It was like (oh ying, "it was like"! HAHA) 3 mat, and the car wasn't really big, so it was so hard to squeeeeezzzzeeeee in! Then went to kanna together with ame and her mum. Had breakfast which is a cup of MILO. LOL! Then when i was half-finished, eileen called and say that the VAN reach already and asked us to be fast. VAN?! So me and ame ate a little bit faster. And it WAS a VAN. WTH?! We got 18 ppl including the coaches. How to fit in 1 van? Some more hafta bring the 3 mats along. WTH WTH WTH! So in the end the coach asked to cabs to come to fetch and Ying, lynn and sharon, shanee with the coaches go by the cabs.
The place we had our camp is actually eme's house in seremban. We reached there, unpacked, had our lunch cooked by eme's mum (YUMMY!) and started our practice. We got 4 stunts group, but MY stunt group got 2 flyers and no spot! Cause actually captain asked me to fly and joo hi to spot, but you know.... So my group do the LEAST thing because we need to "borrow" spots from the other group and yea, they were tired la.. So leh, i volunteered to spot for joo hi.And that is why i got a very ugly injury. WTH. And when we finished our stunts, MR WONG came! Oh so so miss him. BUT! HE asked us to do all the streght work and strecthing which were freaking tiring cause we used our strenght for the stunts already. *dying* but after that, we got to eat a very delicious dinner! haha :D
The next day, same thing. Ying was damn mad at joo hi. HAHA! So, SKIP SKIP SKIP. Okay. Oh but our warm up is damn tiring! Coach asked us to run such a long distance, run and cheer some more, to build up our stamina. OKAY la have to de. But in the afternoon, i cried for some reasons.. sigh. I know I apologize here. Thank you ame. We learned a new stunt call "walk-in", and i love that stunt cause no need to load. It is from single-leg to double-leg. Haha. And in the night, we went into shanee's room to watch "Just Your Luck". Quite nice la that show.
The next day, learned two new stunts. And ame was hurt. SOB T.T Nothing happened but sharon and eileen were so funny. Keep us all happy :D :D :D. And i forgot which night, we got discussion, and some one asked whether there is any cheerleader who died. Coach said definitely yes, but not in our country. And then eileen, after awhile, a LONG while, asked:" coach coach, in Japan hor, DIE PEOPLE A LOT AH?" *burst out laughing* We all laughed like hell wei! Then sharon was like "eileen, it is die a lot of ppl, not die ppl a lot okay?" LOL! EILEEN IS SO CUTE! HAHA.
Now i know i really really SUCK! Sigh. ME! :(

i love all of you! :D nellie.me.eme
dearrie nellie with me and my messy hair(again)...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Red Box - The Gardens
Then went to The Gardens to have lunch. Went to sushi Zanmai cause i went there before and the sushi is quite nice lar. But i regret. I was and i am so so so angry lah! I ordered a STRAWBERRY BANANA DRINK. I dont know the waiter didn't hear it correctly or i didn't say it correstly, in the end it turned up to be "STRAWBERRY VANILLA" WTH?!?! my english not that bad one lar okay? Some more i pointing to the picture of STRAWBERRY BANANA, is he blind or is he deaf? AND! The STRAWBERRY VANILLA is so damn SWEET! Urgh.. sorry to my brother who was forced to eat it. HEHE.. ^^"
The went shopping around.. At around 1.30, went to Big Apple to wait for Vivian, Jia Ying and Kuen Yee. Then went to red box in The Gardens together. Kuen Yee had already booked for the room, but when we reached that time, they still asked for member card. WTH. So in the end Vivian buy one more member card. Waited for so long. GEKK.
But when we sing that time it was fun. And Jia Ying can sing so well! OMG. Really really nice and special la her voice. Sang to the top of the world. Whoosh! FUN! :D Went home at around 5.30.
Friday, November 7, 2008
That is ridiculous!
LRT Station to my house is like a so short distance. Normally we paid RM3.50 or most will be RM4. AND.... we paid him RM5!!!! WTH!
So its like this.. We went down the staircase of the LRT station and caught sight of a taxi which was going to go. So i ran and block it la. And then the driver pointed to a taxi in front. So we(my bro and i) went near the taxi lar.. And then when i opened the door to ask him whether can fetch us anot, he said something like:"Ada taxi di depan tak mau mau duduk belakang punya" or sort of things like that. I didn't really hear it clearly so i "hah?". And then he refused to repeat the sentance and asked me where we wanted to go. So i tell him i wanna go old town lar. He nodded and so we went in lor..
He drove like crazy! I dont know why was he speeding so fast, like rushing or what, so i peek at the metre. And, suprisingly, the metre was not running! OMG OMG OMG OMG! What on earth was he planning? So we dont care, well we cant really care isn't it? So when we reach there that time, he asked for rm5! That is so so so so so RIDICULUOS! It is definitely not worth RM5. Definitely NO! I swear i'm not going to sit that taxi ANYMORE! Gahh!
Oh that's not all! He even used his handphone in the cab, while he is driving, crazily! OMG! He wanna bang his car or commit suicide issit? Really cant bear him la. I feel like vomitting in his car. Haha
Anyway going to MV with jia ying they all tmr. Going to red box in The Garden. Whoosh! So cant wait! :D
So embarrassing! :S
A 15 year-old girl, wearing her prefect uniform, with her papers, bottle and novel on her hands, fell down, JUST LIKE THAT, in front of EVERYONE!!! Her things dropped, rolling and flying all over the place and with over 20 eyes watching at her.
Gosh, why dont you let me fall directly into a hole! And i'll never come out.
Can you imagine?!?! I fell down in front of the school main gate, with a loud "ouch!". People were staring, i kept on telling myself, its okay... just get up. Well, i did, and i hope i can disappear in front of everyone at that moment!
My wrist there was bleeding, my knee, too. Oh, and my watch! Cracks.. Its painful, of course, the place i fell is road! But i walked as fast as possible towards my car, hoping that no one ever noticed, but i knew, people are laughing at me inside them. Embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing!
Argh, last day of school, an embarrassing and memorable one!! :S
Saturday, November 1, 2008
So long never go for cheer adi, and when i went back, i still got the feeling and the spirit! (Well although my straight extensions suck!)
Yesterday stunt group with hwan, ying, nic and eileen(2 flyers), well i think not bad lar.. but they all got the test, and it was soooo tiring! And some more our group got two flyers, so kesian our bases and spot have to do double the work of other group. And they didn't even tell us that they will test us straight extension or single leg! So many months not practising, this is not fair lahh! Gahhhhh. They wanted us to do:
1) 2 sets (each flyer) straight elevator, extension, elevator, cradle
2) 2 sets straight extension, elevator, cradle
3) tight stand to shoulder sit 0.0
4) stretching
5) jumps!!!! (5 toe-touches, 5 pikes, 6 hurkey)
And the they asked us to practise our tumblings. So tired adi lar.. Luckily i saved my energy, cause the strenght works later.....! Haih......
But anyway, i still love cheer. :)
Friday, August 1, 2008
This is not what friends are for!
Super super down
I counldn't understand what true friendship stands for
Just feel so alone
so not belong
so SAD
more, visit http://www.wretch.cc/blog/pinkshiyi93/14185951
Monday, July 21, 2008
Front walk over!
It's a FRONT WALKOVER!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D
Really so happy :D:D
I did it ON MY OWN WEI!!!!!!
(clap la).....
My mum say to me one day:"You must study hard ah. If you get 8A's then i'll send you to Singapore to sudy."
Isn't it just so nice?
I mean i can study in a different and definetely better environment
And Singapore's education is really better isn't it?
So what i need to do now is study
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Really hate this
Anyway, i am quite happy for some reasons. *WINKS* :)
And my purata for this term's exam is really er, unexpected.
I thought i will drop or something, but i did better than last time!
Oh, whoever is reading this, please come and support us, CALYX, at 12 and 13 July for CHEER 2008. And remember to wear PINK!
See ya!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Know "WONG SHI YI" better :D
What Wong Shi Yi Means |
You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts. You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it. You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator! You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. |
Sunday, May 4, 2008
i know i still love it

CALYX! I still love them lots :)
Kee Jinn, Eileen, Xue Ying, me and Shing Yiing
Shing Yiing and me:) I miss her!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tagged by Caitlin
1.) What was your dream when you were in your childhood?
Childhood dream. Being like those princesses which always live happily ever after? HAHAHA.. CHILDHOOD DREAM...
2.) Rainy days or sunny days? Why?
Rainy day bah. No special reasons. Just prefer rainy to sunny.
3.) Which do you like the most? Black or White?
4.) Who would you marry?
Someone who loves me.. of course. And someone whom i love. Caring. Generally good.
5.) Where is the place you would like to go most? Why?
Hmmm.. I'll like to travel around the world! Haha.. Because its one of my dream? I want to experience different things in different places. And wanna visit those beautiful places and all.
6.) What are you afraid of?
Cockroach. Lizard. Rats.
7.) When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
Cry cry and cry. What else can i do?
8.) What is the one thing you can never get tired of?
Erm. Sleeping? Hahaha. And online-ing. Laughing.
9.) If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I think i wounldn't. Cause in my opinion guys are the ones who should do this.
10.) What do you think of the person who tagged you?
Caitlin? She is nice! Super nice! And she have pretty eyes, which i love a lot. She is very good in sports(erm running). Very good in english. HAHAHA. A very good friend to be.
11.) What are the requirements that you wish of your other half?
Erm. LOve me loh. The most important one. And he MUST be taller than me(most guys are), smart in academic and sports, too. Caring. Erm good looking.
12.) Which type of person do you hate most?
People who thought that they're everything who they're actually not. And when working in groups, they like to make decisions which people disagree.
13.) Favourite part of a song?
Lyrics. I love emo ones. HAHA
14.)Do you ever admit it when you're emo?
Yaaaa.. well i get frustrated, angry and sad easily. I cry easily.
15.) What will you do if the world ends tomorrow?
I'll stay wity my friends, family, all my love ones
16.) Who's your favourite cartoon character?
Dont have a particular one. Most of them are cute.
17.) To what extent would you do something for the special ones?
Erm what is extent? My english is damn bad i know.
18.) Describe your dream house.
Big! HAHA.. Greenish. More to natural. Bright. And my room must be PINK!
19) Does music make you lose control?
Normally no. Hmm.. til now no
20)No music = no life ?
Not actually for me. I can still live without music.
*I'm lazy to change any questions. And i dont know which one to change*
I tag xue ying, zhi min, zhi ying, audrey, shereen, jo fan, rachael and anyone else who wanna do this. :)
Monday, April 7, 2008
Happy!!! :)
Went to calyx practis last saturday, and its super fun for me! Yes. My base is Cathy And Sharon or shalinee ah??? Either one. And elevator, reload, extension, cradle, single leg...... I can tell you that i went up the stunts so smoothly that me myself also so shocked leh :P And the most important is that my sinle leg stunts also can go up SUCCESSFULLY! sooooooooo happy (limited vocabulary)
But hor, this is for some old squad members. Not criticising or what, just that i feel that this is not the way.
You all are not quiting calyx are you? Then why didn't come for practis? You are still calyx members, and its you responsibility to come for practis isn't it? We are just not going for competition, not quiting the club. There is such a big difference between this two lar ok. As old squad members, we all have experience. What we should do is help the new ones, support them, assist them isn't it? Do you all still remember last year? We, squad members are practising our routine and xin ann, sharon, shelinee, wai swan, brenda they all are still they helping us and practising by themselves also! Aren't these what we should do???? If compare to them, our attitude and enthusiasmtowards cheer is too bad and too little. Hello, this is not what the seniors want to see! Dont disappoint them ok????
(i'm not thinking that i'm so good to say all these, but i'm really sure that i still love calyx)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Update update
Just change the blog skins, hope ya like it! :)
Yesterday was a holiday for some catholic and christian school so i had one more day free...Wakakakakaka. So when my mum's tuition students came back from school and saw me and my brother, their first question will be:"today no shool meh?"
"NO la... good leh......" hehehehehehe....
"Yer why so good de? I want go to secondary school also!"
lol! You'll go soon. And try to enjoy primary school life dearies! It is so much different from secondary.
PMR is this year, and dad keep on asking me to study study and study.
He asked me to drop all my activities so i can concetrate on my studies
He asked me to go tuition so i can do better in my studies
so i not going for cheer 08
and i had all my weekdays afternoon, except friday for my tuition
Just pray if that works!!!!! :)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Just a little cry from heart
i cant tell you!!!
today when i went to my primary school to bring mum's students back to house,
i saw two girls,
which i know.
The older sister goes to school to bring her younger sis back every day,
including rainy day. Heavy rain
and today,
the older sister help her sis to carry the bag,
and hand in hand,
they ran happily.
i was wondering ,
how good if i got a sister
who understand me,
and can share secrets with me?
how good if ,
she deserved to live here,
not heaven.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year!
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so gonna enjoy it! You people too! Enjoy the new year and ang pao's plus
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
p/s: chinese new year wishes later la :)
Friday, February 1, 2008
Really really hope you like it!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
以前的你, 天真, 可爱, 让人会想去接近,
你让我摸不透, 是你变了?
还是真正的你, 我们现在才认识?
以前的你, 会退让, 知道什么是 "退一步海阔天空"
你不让, 要我们向你 "百依百顺" !!?
接手的人, 是我, 不是你
说要的人, 是学颖, 不是你
为什么, 你就是要把自己变得那么重要?
虽然你对这支舞很重要, 可是你没有你想像中那么重要,
你委屈, 难道我们就不?
你伤心, 难道我们就没?
可是, 你没有我们的忧, 没有我们的愁,
(er.. 或许啦)
一步一步, 踏向结束的边缘
Monday, January 14, 2008
SN Dance
Sorry xue ying!!!! Really really sorry la! SORRY!!!! We really dont know you waited that long, cause we thought you haven't finish your house practis. But secondly, really thank you for introducing me the SN dance. Gosh, although i don't learn ballet as you, amy, and sin ee did, but i dont know why i can feel that the dance wil be very very very nice! Arggghhhh, i cant wait til we finish the whole dance and perform it. i'm sure the "hilton people" will go "W O W!" :) but hor, i think we are leak of time...... when is another practis? I cant wait!!!
It's J.U.S.T Fun!
If you know the dance!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Kena tagged by SHINING!!!
Name: Wong Shi Yi
Date of Birth: 06 October 1993
Current Status: Single
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Brownish
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Part 2: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Pure chinese
Your Fear: Cockroaches, Rats, Lizards......
Your Weakness: Get angry easily.. hehehe
Your Perfect Pizza: ......I seldom eat PIZZA
Part 3: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: Where's my Handphone? Spec?
Your bedtime: Er.. 11something for now
Your most missed memory: When i went skating for twice in the holidays??
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McD's or Burger King: McD's
Single or Group Dates: Group dates
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.. its a OF COURSE
Cappucino or Coffee: cappucino.. i dont think i drink coffee
Part 5: Do You...
Smoke: no, and i'll never
Curse: NO!
Drink: Hmmmm.. Who knows?
Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: nop
Gone to the mall: yup
Been on Stage: Hmm. yes.. Performance with Calyx, Li Yen, Kheen Ho and Eric
Eaten sushi: nop
Dyed your hair: nop
Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game: NOOOO......
Change who you were to fit in: nope
Part 8: Age
You're hoping to be married: 25-28???
Part 9: In A Guy/Girl
Best Eye Colour: Dark brown or Black
Hair Colour: natural hair will do
Short or Long Hair: I prefer short lo
Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago: typing
1 hour ago: Er.. Buying things
1 month ago: preparing for the performance
1 year ago: How I know leh?
Part 11: Finish The Sentences
I love: Cheerleading, dancing, singing(I know i cant sing well),reading(not tetbook)
I feel: BORED
I miss: Skating, Skating, SKATING!!!
I need: Friends, family, love ones
Part 12: Tag 5 People
one: Audrey
two: Zhi Ying
three: Zhi Min
four: Peat Ming
five: Those who haven done this.. :P
100 Questions:
1. full name: Wong Shi Yi
2. name backwards: iY ihS gnoW.. LOL.. WTH?
3. were you named after someone: no
4. meaning of the name: Wong is my surname, shi is.. er.. how to say leh? Every girl(means my cousins) in my dad's side is using SHI for the middle, and YI in chinese means HAPPY :)
5. nickname: ????
6. screen name: shiyi
7. d.o.b: 06.10.1993
8. place of birth: Hospital Malaya
9. nationally: malaysia
10. current location: home-sweet-home
11. star sign: libra
12. religion: buddha
13. current height: 155cm
14. current weight: I dont know
15. shoes size: 4
16. hair colour: brownish
17. eye colour: black
18. who do you look like: my mum say i look like my aunt-my dad's younger sis
19. innie or outie: What this means?
20. lefty or righty: righty
21. gay, straight, bi or others: what do these means?
22. best friends: Jia yee, Yi Leng, Xue ying, Eileen, Amelie......
23. best friends you trust the most: Jia yee, Yi leng, xue ying, eileen, amelia......(lol! Of course i trust my BEST FRIENDS!)
24. favourite pals: all my BEST FRIENDS
25. best friends of opposite sex: Er.. i dont think there is
26. best buddies: How many times shall i repeat this?
27. boy friend or girl friend: not for now
28. crush: no
29. parents: daddy and mummy
30. worst enemy: er.. dont think there's any
31. favourite online guy: I seldom chat with guys :P
32. favourite online girl: xueying
33. craziest friend: ......
34. advice friend: Jia yee, Yi Leng
35. loudest friend: NELLIE!!!
36. person you cried with: A lot lo..
37. any sister: No but i wish to have one!
38. any brother: two. one elder one younger
39. any pets: hmmmm.. dogs
40. any disease: er?
41. pager: no
42. personal phone line: no
43. cell phone: yup
44. lave lamp:????
45. pool or hot tube: pool on hot day, hot tube on cool day(hahahah! I copy shining's. But that's logical!)
46. a car: not for now
47. your personality: get angry easily, emo, crazy......
48. driving: no
49. room: yup
50. what's missing: nothing
51. school: smjk catholic
52. bed: single
53. relationship with parents: er.. sometimes v.good, sometimes i argue with them
54. believe in yourself: yup. IF YOU THINK YOU CAN, YOU CAN!
55. believe in love at first sight: no
56. good listener: consider
57. get along with parents: sometimes
58. save e-mail/ msn covos: nono
59. pray: of cos... especiall when exam is coming soon.. hehe
60. believe in reincarnation: apa ini?
61. make fun of people: i dont know. ask my friend
62. like to talk on phones: yup
63. want to get married: Later later laaaattttteeerrrrrrr
64. like to drive: when i know how to
65. motion sickness: nope
66. eat stem or brocolli: yup
67. eat chicken with fork: yea
68. favourite colour: PINK!!!
69. type with your fingers or home role: err....??
70. sleep with stuff animal: no
71. next to you: er..
72. on the wall of your room: stars!
73. on your mousepads: not using it
74. dream car: comfortable one lo..
75. dream date: the date when i can do anything i want
76. dram honeymoon: Not thinking yet!
77. dream husband/wife: the 1 i love and he also love me
78. bedtime: 11 somthing
79. under your bed: DUST?
80. single most important questions: i'm still available?
81. bad time of the day: 11 somthing!!!!
82. your worst fear: cockroaches
83. the weather is: sunny
84. time: 12.58
85. date: 05 jan 2008
86. best trick you did on someone: nono
87. theme song: for?
88. hardest thing about going up: i dont know how to answer
89. funniest experience: laughing with hsien ying and kee jinn
90. scariest experience: er.. when i go into the haunted mansion organise by LM
91. silliest things you have ever said: too many
92.most desperate and funniest thing you have done to get the opposite sex: i don't think i did it
93. scariest experience while with your friends: My friends are good
94. worst feeling: when i'm sick and lonely
95. best feeling in the world: when my dreams come true
96. favourite subject: chinese, maths and science
97. favourite teacher: for now i dont know. Puan Lim Yian Hwa?
98. favourite band: hahahaha. DONT KNOW!!
99. favourite singer: alot
100. choose 8 people to do this quiz: 100 queations are too many, i wont trouble my friends!