I REALLY HATE GROUP WORKS. Don’t ask me why, go and experience it yourself. And teacher, your job is to teach, not to insult, or to hurt. KTHXBAI.


- shiyi
- 19 on the 6th October. A typical Libra baby. Loud. Bubbly. Crazy ;) Love friends. Family. And herself. Love pink. Just want to be herself :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
1 Malaysia
Got another high mark for my quiz! 35.5/36 for my third statistics quiz. Half mark gone for not giving my box-plot a title. GAH. Okay stop showing off! (But this is my blog wor :p )
Anyway, just came back from the cinema after watching Nasi Lemak 2.0 with family! It is quite good for a local movie, and contains a lot of latent meanings. Quite hilarious as well! Haha. The movie stressed on the unity between different races in Malaysia – which is the main focus of 1 Malaysia.
Need a pair of new shoes for college, as my old one is spoilt, but just cant get a nice one. Went into Padini Concept Store and eyed on a few pairs of slippers and wedges, but none are what I can wear to college. Sigh. And I bought a card game!
Monopoly deal! Monopoly in card. Hehehe tried it during my Fraser hill trip last time and find it to fun to forget :)
Having Psychology quiz tomorrow. Statistics quiz on Tuesday. Statistics test on Friday. Gonna be a busy week! But but my birthday celebration with high school besties on the coming Saturday! CAN’T WAIT :D
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Micro vs Macro
Received my Macroeconomics test 1 paper back today, and am very happy with the 40/40 full marks. Unexpected. And I did not intended to show off or what, but then when I handed in the test paper back to my lecturer, she just had to tell the whole class that I scored a full marks. Dislike :( Anyhow, to me Macroeconomics is so much more interesting, not just studying individual households and firms, but the bigger picture. (And the lecturer is better haha) So I seriously hope that I can get a better grade this sem! MUST CONQUER ECONS XD
That was the good news. The bad news is, my accounts teacher is confusing me more and more as time passed. I liked accounts, but not when he started teaching GAH. Need to revise asap.
Psychology is as heart attack-ing as ever, got another quiz next Monday. Need to play less tetris d :(
Snowflake but one free one today! But did not have the chance to eat because the queue was like 937586578568745674567 this long. Next time then!
shiyi :)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
30 minutes..
Are definitely not enough to finish the Statistic quiz loh! And standard deviation need to square root loh!! Shiyi yor :(
Reach school early in the morning with not so enough sleep, but then when I saw Marissa and Tse Ling, I kinda don’t feel sleep deprived anymore. Cause they seem like having narcolepsy. Haha! Went to work at 9a.m. (9.05 to be exact), my fixed schedule for every Tuesday. Had quite a lot of things to do, wonder why they treat me so kind last time that they didn’t really hand me jobs to do. And today I was so blur that I stamped the wrong amount on 6 of the envelopes that are going to be sent to students! Oh no oh no. Luckily my supervisor was very nice, she just forgive me and all.
Then I had Statistics quiz. The third quiz. Did quite well for the last two, but screwed this up :( Imagine la you have to calculate coefficient of variation and coefficient of skewness for three sets of data, draw a nice and neat box-plot, calculate the percentile, interquatile range, and on and on in 30 minutes. First time so rush for STATISTICS! :(
Accounts test was OKAY, hopefully no careless mistakes and all, and please get higher marks for test 1. Had Tutti Fruitti with Marissa. 15% discounts for ladies on Tuesday. HEHEHE.
Gonna sleep earlier tonight! So lack of sleep but mum just didn’t let me have a nap in the afternoon.
And Tetris is fun! Go paly it people :p
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tetris Battle
Yup. I’m addicted.
Of course, the left one is me. Hahahaha. quite addictive lo, but hand also quite tired la. Heh
Tmr statistics quiz and accounts test! MUST. WORK. HARD. STOP. TETRIS. AND BLOG. BYEBYE PEOPLE.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
My favourite food? NANDO’S! Hahaha. Went to watch this
with boyfriend yesterday after eating in Nando’s. Quarter chicken with coleslaw and peri chips.YUMMMM! I think The Smurfs is smurfing nice :D and cute! And guess what? I bumped into Marissa and her boyfriend and her mum at Nando’s! Haha I bumped into a lot of high school friends recently, always love the moments ^________^
And then at night, I attended the opening ceremony of the recycling station near my house as my parents are one of the committees. Nice vege food! Eat more vege people, good for health heh.
And finally tried the McDonald dinner set with siblings and maid tonight. I know it’s just normal burger all that no big deal, but fyi my mum seldom let us eat fast food, so was really happy! But that place is too cold :S Watched too much drama today, almost 5 episodes. Mum banned me from watching more. Nuuu :( better start studying. TEST again sigh.
Waiting to watch NASI LEMAK! :)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mid Autumn Festival
It was few days ago I know. I celebrated it with family and some Tzu Chi volunteers, but didn’t really enjoyed it because quiz is on the day after!
Quite nice with all the plants, but too dark for me. LOL and too many mosquitoes! ><
Mama and lui lui! ♥
A candid shoot. HEH! ;)
Poor me gotta sambil study sambil celebrate :( Statistics. Lol
Happy Belated Mid Autumn Festival! :D
As you can see, I am very lazy, and very sleepy to type. By the way, I started playing tetris! Haha am quite lousy at it tho :( Going to watch The Smurfs tomorrow with bf! Hopefully it is nice. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. So is sunday. THEREFORE, Saturday must study harder for the upcoming accounts test on tuesday!
Results for psychology first quiz and statistics second quiz is not back yet, just had macroecons test today and hopefully can get back all the paper next week!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A lot of people wear blue today! Including me :D but I don’t think that causes my tuesday blue because ummm, I think it’s the hormones.
Went to college early and after finishing my accounts homework in front of the computer in the library, it’s just right to go to work! Entered the accommodation office and told the head officer that I can work from 9 to 11 every Tuesday. The officer hand me over to a malay lady a she decided to take me with her to do the "’stock”. So I thought it was counting stock and all, but it turned out to be distributing stock to other departments! Some are small, like pens, eraser, staples..BUT SOME ARE REALLY HUGE AND HEAVY.
Like one box of A4 paper. 10 reams @.@ My spine *sobs* So the distribution was done in an hour, I went back to key in the franking mails into the computer. And time flies! Today I got no extra time to sit there and relax and stuff. I signed out at 11 sharp and went for lunch!
Statistic quiz was more normal than last time, no weird weird definitions or grouping questions. I HOPE I can do better, tho I scored 40.5/43 for the last one.. Well blame those definitions. Haha. Accounts was totally..IN A MESS! I have an account base, but I totally can’t understand what the teacher was trying to teach! So messy so..hard to catch up!
After class, went home with Marissa in HER baby car :p The weather was really terrible! Like in an oven *quote Marissa* Went to sleep after showering and sleep for 2 hours straight! @.@ Should start studying for macro now. Test on Thursday ouch :( Gtg ciao!