
My photo
19 on the 6th October. A typical Libra baby. Loud. Bubbly. Crazy ;) Love friends. Family. And herself. Love pink. Just want to be herself :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Used to be fun…

And now I’m stuck in my apartment in this small town, living my everyday live in routine. Wake up, breakfast, study, lunch + drama, study, dinner + drama, study, sleep… And the cycle repeats itself. Well at least I’m not wasting time, just turning into a robot that only wish right now is to pass FM.

On the other hand, I’m really happy that I’ve fulfilled 2 of my new year resolutions I mentioned in my last post! I’ve gotten an on campus job as the recreational staff in the Bell Center! Wheeee~~ :D When I saw the email from my future supervisor, I was literally smiling WIDE. However I have not told my family about it yet cause I want everything to be certain as there is a lot of paperwork and application to go through before I’m 100% sure that I got the job and can start working. So you all must help me keep it a secret first! Shhhh…

The second resolution that has been fulfilled is to be more outspoken! Attended a committee meeting last Friday and was really happy my opinion was noted and taken! :D Last week was not so bad after all. Another good news come to me yesterday, again when I was checking my email.


An email from the Dean (With the title being “WOW!), can I not be happy?! The feeling when hard work pays off :)

Spent this morning was not so routine actually, as I went to the Human Resource office to pick up my letter, and proceed to the International Center to request for another letter. Then I walked to the Old Main office to pay off our rent for Febraury. Came home, paid my fees and wrote the minutes to be sent to Aaron. Hmmm feeling productive… NOT. I’m getting lazy and frustrated looking at the thick stack of paper with all the questions waiting to be solved. I NEED MOTIVATION.

One thing that I’ve really improved a lot since I left Malaysia and come here is cooking!! Haha I dare not say I’m good at it, but I know I’ve improved. And I think I’m the best “rice cooker” in the house :P Chrysanthemum tea in the making!

Til then!

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