
My photo
19 on the 6th October. A typical Libra baby. Loud. Bubbly. Crazy ;) Love friends. Family. And herself. Love pink. Just want to be herself :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October’s gonna end soon!

Two more days and we’ll say hello to November! I’ve always loved October, and this year’s one was the best!! :)

After the surprise for Xue Ying and outing with college friends, I had been studying for the tests and quizzes that just seem to come non-stop. GEEZ. And moral project, presentation, slides..

But all the hard work paid off when you get good results! 2 full marks for stats quiz, 49/50 for econs midterm, 96% for Psycho midterm, 29/30 for Psycho third quiz. Satisfied :)

Bf went  out with me although he was busy studying! Am I a bad girl? No, no, no, I’m very grateful, so I allowed him to take photos of me :p


Oh and Moral presentation! Was so unprepared but had to go up and present cause someone said:”You are the group leader ma.”  -.- Okay lo so I went up and talked, turned out better than I expected, and Mr. Law was so nice he gave us all 9/10 :)

Watched The 3 Idiots during my 2-days Deepavali holidays, and it’s awesome!! Highly recommended to all of you!!

3 idiots

meaningful and funny! ^__^

October was a great month for me, with my birthday, Xue Ying’s bday, outings, and a lot a lot of good results. I’m grateful and I appreciate all these! Hopefully November is as awesome! :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

For my dearest orange :)



Okay la not surprising at all, but kinda happy we were the first to surprise you and hopefully you are really happy!! :) And MacBook’s photobooth is..COOL :D Have fun in Cambodia (is it?) kay!

Went for another round of shopping in Sunway Pyramid with college friends yesterday. Objective is of course to find a replacement for my worn out shoes. So we went to TSC, but the pair of shoes I spotted on few days ago have no new stock! They only have the one they used for trying. Hmmm :/ So we decided to go to some other shops to try our luck first.  However before we can do that, our Miss Gan Mok Yin was hungry, haha, so we went to hunt for food! ^___^ Guess what??

3 of us

Ended up eating in Nando’s!! AGAIN. Cause I had quarter chicken with coleslaw and peri chips on Thursday with bf and bro. And my drink was Ice Lemon Tea. What you see up there is ALL THREE OF US having quarter chicken with coleslaw and peri chips. All three of us sharing one glass of ice lemon tea! HAHA refill twice, made it three glasses, fair! :D


The one and only Ice Lemon Tea!! HOHOHO ^O^

Oh, continue with shoes-hunting XD we shopped and shopped, and *fast-forwarding* we went back to the first shop we entered! Nope, I did not buy the last pair of flats I eyed on, I instead bought one pair of sport-shoes like shoes. LOL mum sure likes it :)

(Don’t have a photo of the shoes, someone took the camera, and I’m quite frustrated why I cant send the photos from my phone to my laptop >:( )

Another stats quiz on Monday!! OMG. This teacher is really killing us. Must study harder. Ciao!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sudden crave for shopping. Like intense craving. AH SOMEONE BRING ME OUT PLEASE? :(

Anyway, one quiz on Monday, one test on Tuesday and another quiz on Thursday but I’m still kinda too relaxed. Tetris whole day. Scolded by mum badly :|

Gonna go watch drama now! Like a pointless update HAHAH :p

Wednesday, October 12, 2011






人生不是会读书就了不起,我知道我还有好多好多方面要努力,我要加油,让自己更接近,妈妈的满分 :)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011



我的生日过了快一周,但所得到的感动、惊喜和爱还是让我心中的涟漪久久不能平复。如果天天是生日 ,那该多好啊!可是这样生日就不特别了,不是吗?;)






新钱包!谢谢你 :D


10月8日那天中午,他载着我到谷中城去,途中,我想拿他的手机来玩玩,怎知他很紧张的制止了我,还神秘兮兮的说有秘密。秘密?!让我也紧张起来。我们四处逛逛后,便去我们的“定情餐厅”—Tony Roma’s吃午餐。点了餐点后,他说有惊喜给我,然后便蒙住了我的眼睛。接下来,学颖和哥哥便一起走了进来。很好,我真的没想到我会给他们三个骗了!!满感动的。他们送我有生以来的第一个Baskin Robbin冰淇淋蛋糕






骗子一号!亲爱的男朋友 ♥


骗子二号!亲爱的橙色 ♥



男朋友与他妈妈一起挑选的!好漂亮 ♥




