
My photo
19 on the 6th October. A typical Libra baby. Loud. Bubbly. Crazy ;) Love friends. Family. And herself. Love pink. Just want to be herself :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am so over the moon, sun, star, cloud, sky now! :D

Because i finished this book! It is so so so so freaking nice!It is irrisistable!

In love with it! :D :D

Well but my cover is different from that one. It is something like this...


I dont know whether there is a difference, but I dont care, cause it is so damn nice! If it is not the same with the original one, I'll just go and but but i will definitely read this over and over again! And there is the first part of New Moon included in the book, i read, and i wished i own the book right now! I went to internet, and checked for the twilight saga, and looked through the plot of the four books of this series. Goosh! It made me even more crazy bout it! It made me more wanted to read it right now! But my mum dont let me buy english novel :( She didnt know that the book is actually mine. She thought that i borrowed it from my tuition teacher. HAHA! Hope she wont get mad if she know i bought it ler. Lol.. I want to read NEW MOON!!!

Oh and the twilight movie is coming out SOON! I wanted to watch to, but you know la, my mum. She wont let! So i was planning to curi keluar to watch. LOL. Insane.

Haha.. I am just hyper. Sorry for crapping around. Lol. Dont wanna spoil you people eyes. Hahaha. Ciaoz! :D:D:D




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